Friday, November 13, 2015

a splendid table of Indonesian food

Solange made a colorful multi-course dinner,  deeply flavored by her experience in Indonesia.

fresh garbanzo  beans with spicy garlic sauce

seafood stuffed cucumber 

 Vietnamese spring rolls

 eggplant with roasted red pepper and spices

wonton with rice vinegar sauce 

Soto Ayan 
Indonesian chicken soup with rice noodles

trocpical fruit juice infused mousse  
jasmine tea

 like in Bali ...

Friday, October 30, 2015

a treasure island of Indian spices

Marilu made a beautiful feast  of Indian food with golden hue of the season

 sparkling wine
 Cashew nut cheese with ginger chutney & crackers
Khachori (balls)
Chakli (spirals)

Tandoori chicken with naan
Cucumber salad

Coconut Fish curry with rice
Baingan Aloo Charchari ( spiced stew of eggplant and potato)

Pumpkin Halwa
Guava stew

a  table of heart-warming feast

Friday, September 18, 2015

a new season with five+

Drew starts the new season, plenty seasonal vegetables and delicious duck. 

shrimp butter and  crackers 
almond olives and sparkling wine

zucchini fritter  and roasted chili sauce 
white wine 

roast duck breasts
sauteed green beans 
curry pumpkin 
wild rice 

key lime pie 

now we are back to Five+ !

Friday, April 24, 2015

two tales of yellow tail

Sara's spring meal:   seasonal appearance of yellow tail and Turkish spices

 happy hour in the tea house

grilled Japanese pumpkin ball 
Japanese sweet potato fries 
toast with roasted red pepper, 
pickled hake roe, smoked mussel, 
and  Catalina ricotta cheese

 yellow tail sashimi
 watercress with yuzu dressing 

yellow tail tagine 
carrot, fennel, baby potato, shallot
with chermoula sauce (cilantro, lemon juice, Turkish spices, olive oil) 

 Turkish clam saffron rice 
sauteed green beans and  beech mushroom

 mango and strawberry 
Catilina ricotta cheese with honey 
ice cream 

  a cheer to the spring 
herb bouquet from Drew's garden

Friday, March 20, 2015

Paella for Spring Equinox

Marilu made a Spanish flavored dinner to celebrate the arrival of spring

Spanish cheese and chorizo 
green yogurt spread and rice cracker
sparkling wine

stuffed mushrooms 
braised duck  with red pepper sauce 

seafood paella  
sauteed cabbage

coconut cookies

gifts of spices
 from Drew's journey to Turkey

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